Thursday, 2 December 2010

Big Uh-Oh for J-Lo

Big bummed Jen is currently battling with her ex over his plans to (ahem) thrust a sex tape of the couple into the public domain.

Her ex-husband Ojai Noa and his agent Ed Meyer are planning to attempt to to sell and market videos made during the couple's 11-month marriage in 1997.

According to the Daily Mail, in one of the films, she is allegedly seen 'flashing' in public while riding a scooter.

, Meyer claims: 'J-Lo is riding a scooter while talking to the camera and numerous bystanders, with her privates in as plain view as Paris Hilton, Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan have in the past.

'This is among other nudity on her part in the 21 hours of home movies that we have so far recovered.'

The court filing continues: 'However, Noa & Meyer have never ever intended to market this and the many other racy, damaging & expositive scenes from the Home Videos.

'It must also be stated that in Noa's Home Videos, Lopez gives her full consent to Noa taping her'.
Conveniently, Jennifer is due to release her new album Love? later this month. Smell a , er, rat?

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