Tuesday, 31 August 2010

RIP Corinne Day

On Friday the fashion photographer Corinne Day died from battling brain cancer. Day's candid, documentary-esque style made her one of the most influential fashion photographers of her day. She had exhibited in such world renknowned art establishments as the National Portrait Gallery, The V&A, The Tate Modern, and the Whitney Museum in New York, as well as photographing the likes of Kate Moss and Gemma Ward.

Source Vogue.com

H&M Designer Collaboration 2010 - The Future of Fashion

So who is it behind the latest H+M designer collaboration? Speculation ranges from Caroline Herrera to Thomas Maier and Vivienne Westwood. All will, apparently, be revealed on September 9th...

Monday, 30 August 2010

I Heart Swedish Fashion

One of our new favourites on the high street, Cos looks set to continue its winning streak with its A/W collection. H&M's more grown up sibling gives us clean Scandinavian lines, tailoring and touches of leather and lace, along with some very Acne-esque boots at very un-Acne-esque prices. The maroon jumper is for men, in cashmere, and £89.

Thursday, 26 August 2010

Tweet Jesus, Paris!

Proving that she is actually as mental as we thought she was, squillionairess Paris Hilton has proved that even a life-threatening attempted burglary can be turned into a canny PR stunt.

When Princess P awoke to a maniac armed with two kitchen knives, trying to get into her mansion, her instant reaction as to post a photo of the incident on Twitter (Duh!)

Frankly, most would be too busy shitting their pants of offering up their Chihuahua as some kind of penance, but nope – Paris treated her Twitter followers to a live commentary as the drama unfolded.

She wrote: “So scary – just got woken up to a guy trying to break in holding two big knives. Cops are arresting him. I can’t believe the knives he was carrying. Thank God the police arrived quickly.”

Fortunately for the social networking numpty, the man failed to get in – which the police perceptively described as “lucky.”

Paris’s spokesman (does she really need one, we wonder?) said: “Paris is shaken, but is unharmed and well.”

Is Diana Vickers the dullest woman alive?

For some reason, The Sun has made the outlandish assumption that we really, really need to hear the innermost tantalising, scurrilous p of v’s of the 2008 X Factor Loser.

And what gossip!! What news!! Er, perhaps not.

In a column that makes Angler’s Weekly seem as exciting as speedballing with Iggy Pop, wee Di has told us that pigeons get her (ahem) ‘in a flap.’

“I..have been pooed on at least three times”, she sensationally reveals.

In a nod to PSHE classes round the country, she also issues a stark warning on recreational drug use, having formed her opinions on the topic following a harrowing experience at last weekend’s V Festival.

“At festivals this summer, I’ve seen people passing out and people who don’t know where they are or what they are doing after taking drugs.

“I was even around someone who thought their friend was a fridge.”

Proving that the company of household white goods would probably be more fun than an afternoon with Di, the ‘Boy Who Murdered Love’ singer added: “On the first day of the V Festival I didn’t have any alcohol and ate tons of fruit and veg.

“But on the last day, I had a beer and a big pork and apple sauce sandwich.”

Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Cheryl Cole probably won’t get her bits out

What better way to show that world that you’re a tough Geordie lass that will NO WAY let a life-threatening tropical disease/philandering husband take away your va va voom?

That’s right – get your Minnie out for the boys.

However, much to the disappointment of lads around the world, little Chezza is apparently likely to turn down the £500,000 which has allegedly been offered by Playboy to strip nude for their hallowed centrefold.

The Star reports a ‘pal’ as saying: “Sheryl is incredibly flattered y the offer but she’s fundamentally opposed to going nude in magazines.

“She reckons it’s great if other girls can do it, but it really isn’t her.

“People won’t believe it but she is actually incredibly shy when it comes to all that stuff.”

It’s understandable – I think most people are quite shy at showing their fannies to the world.

And to be honest, it’s not like Cheryl needs the money. Then again, she could pay nauseating puppy-figure Derek-sodding-Hough to leave her alone for more than 1.2 seconds at a time, which would surely be a welcome relief.

Elementary, my dear Watson

Designing clothes is anyway, if you're an ex-Harry Potter star. The fair trade fashion line People Tree have just announced their new collection by Emma Watson, who also models the designs. Isn't Hermione Granger talented?! Not to mention all that doing good, fair-trade stuff. The actress is also apparently quick to jump upon a passing bandwagon; launching clothes collections seems to be the latest celebrity hobby. Some have more success than others of course. Lets have a look at some of the best, and worst celebrity labels and "collaborations":

1. Kate Moss for Topshop : One of the better ones here. Basically all rip offs of popular (often vintage) Kate outfits. Unlike lots of celebrity collaborations that spring out of nowhere without any apparent need  for them (Madonna take note), Moss's collection cashes in on the supermodels ability to sell out any product she sashays to the Costcutter in to buy fags. Obvious next step is a fashion line. Supply and demand, yunno?

2. Nicole Richie's House of Harlow: Having ceased to make money off merely wearing big sunglasses and not eating anything, whilst feuding with Paris Hilton, Richie needed another cash-cow, and launched House of Harlow in 2008. "Lionel Richie's daughter, a fashion icon?!" I hear you cry. I know I know... but Richie's line of jewellery, and erm, moccasins it seems, is actually quite pretty and tasteful. Just try to forget that she used to look like this:

3. Madonna's Material Girl collection for Macy's: Marketed at teens, and inspired by daughter Lourdes' alleged "style", Material Girl has been lambasted from day one for its "sexualised" garments that include fishnet tights and the sort of clothes that one might well spy being worn out on a downmarket hen-night where the theme was "baby sex workers". Taylor Momsen, (gossip girl actress, never wears trousers, skirts or even shorts, or apparently removes makeup) also fronts the line. You get the idea.

4. Victoria Beckham, by Victoria Beckham: Personal favourite here. Whilst Posh Spice herself has often held a touch of the ridiculous about her, and has made a fair few dubious fashion choices, she has hit the ground running with her collection of smart, flattering, tailored dresses. Despite initial doubts, Mrs Beckham has been officially accepted into the fashion fold, to the point where, (and bbeingboiled enjoys this immensely) the fashion house is in a position to snub requests from Cheryl Whatever (Cole? Tweedy?) from the X-Factor to borrow outfits for her show contestants to wear onstage. Gutted, Cheryl.

So, Miss Watson, you're in some good (or, so-bad-its-good) company here. And it seems unlikely that what has happened to Madonna will happen to you, looking at the clothes. View the collection here, on vogue.com or on the People Tree website .

Lily Allen in ‘having a whine’ shocker

Shrinking violet Lily Allen has been making her feelings on the reality TV show set to grip the nation and make karaoke suddenly more attractive (yeah, the X Factor) perfectly clear.

She ranted on Twitter: “X Factor- FAIL. Too set up/scripted.”

On a more anthropological trip, the preggers singer duly continued:

“It’s all I detest about modern Western culture. Cowell is the only one who really benefits.”

Jeeeeez, lighten up Lily. Sense of perspective FAIL.

You know what we hate about Western culture?


-ruining perfectly pretty frocks with abhorrent sports footwear

-shit talk shows

Oh and inequality, war, objectification of women, poverty, etc etc etc.

Tuesday, 24 August 2010

And we are HOW jealous of Sienna Miller, exactly?!

Thankfully, Sienna’s binned her lame-o boho bag lady shit and come out the other side smelling of roses.

Here, bombshell Sienna shows off her killer bod in a silky black one- piece for Love Magazine. Not a vile furry gilet in sight. Stylist, we salute you.

Looking el-scorchio, the (actresss? I think...) is set to sizzle in ‘The Gorgeous’ issue of Love, which came out yesterday.

Judging from these pics, it’s no wonder Jude Law has rekindled the pair’s romance.

The lucky twosome have even been spotted out on the town with aging dullard Twiggy, who has undoubtedly been regaling them with tales of her sixties heyday just in case Sienna ever has to act badly in another ‘retro’ role a la Sedgwick. Yawn.

Photos : Mert Alas and Marcus Piggott / Love Magazine

Monday, 23 August 2010

Giles Deacon for New Look

Normally I hate designer/high street collaborations - they're never as good as you think they're going to be, obviously, because the designers want people to buy the expensive shit, not the cheapo knockoffs. However this marbled silk dress by Giles Deacon Gold's latest offering for New Look is actually pretty cool. This, and the rest of the collection is available on the New Look website, so you don't even have to go to one of the horrible shops to get hold of it.

Need somewhere to put your stuff? Use a bag

Boxy, slightly structured bags such as satchels are in. Mulberry and Proenza Schoeuler's offerings are obviously the ultimate, but there are some pretty good ones floating around on the high street too.

Clockwise from top; Mulberry, £695, Urban Outfitters £42, Topshop £55, Diesel £275

A Very Fashionable Life

Grace Coddington, the flame haired über stylist who was pissed off with Anna Wintour for the whole of The September Issue is set to release a set of memoirs. The creative director of American Vogue has had quite a career in the fashion industry, starting off as a model in the swinging sixties, then working at both UK and US Vogue. An autobiography may perhaps be only of any real interest to die-hard fashionistas, but there is always the possibility of some gossip about Anna "the ice-queen" Wintour to keep the rest of the world happy. Or possibly just nosy people. Anyway, hopefully it will include lots of nice photos.

Jennifer Aniston is DEFINITELY a ‘retard’

Jennifer Aniston has been blasted for comments she made in a talk show interview with the fabulously named Regis Philbin.

On her Barbara Streisand inspired photo shoot for Harpers Bazaar (as if that wasn’t offensive enough), 41-year-old Jen said: “Yes, I like to play dress up! I do it for a living, like a retard!”

Spokesman for the Special Olympics (this is an actual real thing, no joke), Kirsten Seckler, said: “When people use the R word, it’s hurtful.”

In the name of fairness and equality and political correctness and everything, we at Being Boiled felt we should really add a note to say that we apologise for the title of this post – it’s not like Jen’s ACTUALLY a retard – she’s just really fucking dull and irritating and her face is a bit too wide and she makes shit rom-coms that no one watches except for on aeroplanes.

But definitely NOT a ‘tard.

Sunday, 22 August 2010

Madonna offered ONE BiiiiiiiLLION DOLLAR Vegas deal

[Grandma! What terrifying thighs you have!]

Muscle-Mary Madge has been offered a mind-boggling $1billion five-year music residency in Sin city itself, Las Vegas, according to The Daily Star.

The Kabbalah mentalist, who turns 52 tomorrow, is already worth an estimated £208m since signing a 10 year £80m deal with promoter Live Nation in 2007.

But this latest offer would put her amongst Oprah Winfrey, and Harry Potter bore JK Rowling, as one of the world’s three female billionaire entertainers.

Comedian (?!) Joan Rivers - ever one to throw in her, er, hilarious two cents - joshed on Twitter: “Madonna is sure getting old. I should have taught her a new birthday game – pin the tail in the coroner.” Uh, Lol?!

If she was to take up the offer, the middle aged crotch thruster would be in fine company indeed.

Celine Dion, 42, Elton John, 63, and Cher, 64, have all raked in a pretty penny under the neon lights of the Vegas circuit.

But the question on everyone’s lips is – what the bleeding hell would Madonna do with all the extra cash?

1. Set up another “sexualised” teen clothing line for her daughter to promote through the medium of her orthodontic smile? This, however, would merely serve to keep thinspo-queen Tayor Moron even more handsomely pimped out in chains and ‘rock chick’ glad rags, thus making it a truly shit suggestion.

2. Fill not only her radiator pipes, but also her urinary tract with Kabbalah water? Not entirely unlikely.

3. Rescue every single child in Haiti and kit them out in Hunter wellies and teeny tiny Barbour jackets? Again, a possibility.

Suggestions on a postcard, please.

Friday, 20 August 2010

New Season, New Stuff

It may be only August, but there is an unseasonal chill in the air, letting us all know that the long cold nights are on their way, and will be upon us before we know it. Despite being known as “the silly season” for most of the media who, at this point, are running out of news items while all the important people are on holiday and keeping out of trouble, August also brings with it the release of the biggest magazine issue of the year, The September Issue. In the fashion world this is like budget day – the tone for the rest of the year is set, and the world waits with baited breath to see how the fashion monoliths such as Vogue will present the winter collections. And as we all know, because we saw that documentary, and that film where Meryl Streep bullies Anne Hathaway, it is Vogue’s September issue that is the most anticipated of all the September issues.

Kate Moss is on the cover. This is got some all hot and bothered because Kate has been on the cover for the last umpteen September issues. Unadventurous, yes, and maybe they should let someone else have a turn. But it’s Kate Moss, for cryin’ out loud. And it’s Vogue. Who else is gonna be on the front cover? At least its not bloody Sienna Miller, who has, I believe, graced the cover of the style bible at least twice.
So, the arrival of the “fall”, as Americans say, is something not to be lamented, but celebrated. Au revoir summer, its been sweet, but time for a change. We’ve got lives to get on with, projects to start – a new blogging venture, for example…