It may be only August, but there is an unseasonal chill in the air, letting us all know that the long cold nights are on their way, and will be upon us before we know it. Despite being known as “the silly season” for most of the media who, at this point, are running out of news items while all the important people are on holiday and keeping out of trouble, August also brings with it the release of the biggest magazine issue of the year, The September Issue. In the fashion world this is like budget day – the tone for the rest of the year is set, and the world waits with baited breath to see how the fashion monoliths such as Vogue will present the winter collections. And as we all know, because we saw that documentary, and that film where Meryl Streep bullies Anne Hathaway, it is Vogue’s September issue that is the most anticipated of all the September issues.
Kate Moss is on the cover. This is got some all hot and bothered because Kate has been on the cover for the last umpteen September issues. Unadventurous, yes, and maybe they should let someone else have a turn. But it’s Kate Moss, for cryin’ out loud. And it’s Vogue. Who else is gonna be on the front cover? At least its not bloody Sienna Miller, who has, I believe, graced the cover of the style bible at least twice.
So, the arrival of the “fall”, as Americans say, is something not to be lamented, but celebrated. Au revoir summer, its been sweet, but time for a change. We’ve got lives to get on with, projects to start – a new blogging venture, for example…
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