Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Cheryl Cole probably won’t get her bits out

What better way to show that world that you’re a tough Geordie lass that will NO WAY let a life-threatening tropical disease/philandering husband take away your va va voom?

That’s right – get your Minnie out for the boys.

However, much to the disappointment of lads around the world, little Chezza is apparently likely to turn down the £500,000 which has allegedly been offered by Playboy to strip nude for their hallowed centrefold.

The Star reports a ‘pal’ as saying: “Sheryl is incredibly flattered y the offer but she’s fundamentally opposed to going nude in magazines.

“She reckons it’s great if other girls can do it, but it really isn’t her.

“People won’t believe it but she is actually incredibly shy when it comes to all that stuff.”

It’s understandable – I think most people are quite shy at showing their fannies to the world.

And to be honest, it’s not like Cheryl needs the money. Then again, she could pay nauseating puppy-figure Derek-sodding-Hough to leave her alone for more than 1.2 seconds at a time, which would surely be a welcome relief.

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