Sunday, 22 August 2010

Madonna offered ONE BiiiiiiiLLION DOLLAR Vegas deal

[Grandma! What terrifying thighs you have!]

Muscle-Mary Madge has been offered a mind-boggling $1billion five-year music residency in Sin city itself, Las Vegas, according to The Daily Star.

The Kabbalah mentalist, who turns 52 tomorrow, is already worth an estimated £208m since signing a 10 year £80m deal with promoter Live Nation in 2007.

But this latest offer would put her amongst Oprah Winfrey, and Harry Potter bore JK Rowling, as one of the world’s three female billionaire entertainers.

Comedian (?!) Joan Rivers - ever one to throw in her, er, hilarious two cents - joshed on Twitter: “Madonna is sure getting old. I should have taught her a new birthday game – pin the tail in the coroner.” Uh, Lol?!

If she was to take up the offer, the middle aged crotch thruster would be in fine company indeed.

Celine Dion, 42, Elton John, 63, and Cher, 64, have all raked in a pretty penny under the neon lights of the Vegas circuit.

But the question on everyone’s lips is – what the bleeding hell would Madonna do with all the extra cash?

1. Set up another “sexualised” teen clothing line for her daughter to promote through the medium of her orthodontic smile? This, however, would merely serve to keep thinspo-queen Tayor Moron even more handsomely pimped out in chains and ‘rock chick’ glad rags, thus making it a truly shit suggestion.

2. Fill not only her radiator pipes, but also her urinary tract with Kabbalah water? Not entirely unlikely.

3. Rescue every single child in Haiti and kit them out in Hunter wellies and teeny tiny Barbour jackets? Again, a possibility.

Suggestions on a postcard, please.

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