Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Elementary, my dear Watson

Designing clothes is anyway, if you're an ex-Harry Potter star. The fair trade fashion line People Tree have just announced their new collection by Emma Watson, who also models the designs. Isn't Hermione Granger talented?! Not to mention all that doing good, fair-trade stuff. The actress is also apparently quick to jump upon a passing bandwagon; launching clothes collections seems to be the latest celebrity hobby. Some have more success than others of course. Lets have a look at some of the best, and worst celebrity labels and "collaborations":

1. Kate Moss for Topshop : One of the better ones here. Basically all rip offs of popular (often vintage) Kate outfits. Unlike lots of celebrity collaborations that spring out of nowhere without any apparent need  for them (Madonna take note), Moss's collection cashes in on the supermodels ability to sell out any product she sashays to the Costcutter in to buy fags. Obvious next step is a fashion line. Supply and demand, yunno?

2. Nicole Richie's House of Harlow: Having ceased to make money off merely wearing big sunglasses and not eating anything, whilst feuding with Paris Hilton, Richie needed another cash-cow, and launched House of Harlow in 2008. "Lionel Richie's daughter, a fashion icon?!" I hear you cry. I know I know... but Richie's line of jewellery, and erm, moccasins it seems, is actually quite pretty and tasteful. Just try to forget that she used to look like this:

3. Madonna's Material Girl collection for Macy's: Marketed at teens, and inspired by daughter Lourdes' alleged "style", Material Girl has been lambasted from day one for its "sexualised" garments that include fishnet tights and the sort of clothes that one might well spy being worn out on a downmarket hen-night where the theme was "baby sex workers". Taylor Momsen, (gossip girl actress, never wears trousers, skirts or even shorts, or apparently removes makeup) also fronts the line. You get the idea.

4. Victoria Beckham, by Victoria Beckham: Personal favourite here. Whilst Posh Spice herself has often held a touch of the ridiculous about her, and has made a fair few dubious fashion choices, she has hit the ground running with her collection of smart, flattering, tailored dresses. Despite initial doubts, Mrs Beckham has been officially accepted into the fashion fold, to the point where, (and bbeingboiled enjoys this immensely) the fashion house is in a position to snub requests from Cheryl Whatever (Cole? Tweedy?) from the X-Factor to borrow outfits for her show contestants to wear onstage. Gutted, Cheryl.

So, Miss Watson, you're in some good (or, so-bad-its-good) company here. And it seems unlikely that what has happened to Madonna will happen to you, looking at the clothes. View the collection here, on or on the People Tree website .

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