Thursday, 11 November 2010

Kredit Kard-ashian

The KKK’s just Kant get enough of endorsing shit, and shit.

The sisters have launched their very own MasterCard - costing a mere $99.95 for us mere mortals to use.

Kim, Khloe and Kourtney Kardashian’s official prepaid debit card, imaginatively called the Kardashian Kard, launched in New York earlier this week.

However, the sisters are already receiving criticism for their teen-aimed product, which some say is 'irresponsible.'

 Kim, on the other hand, insisted their product is to teach young people about money, telling Entertainment Tonight.

'When we were growing up, we didn't have credit, we didn't know what it was like to try and get your first credit card, But with this one you don't need credit, you don't even need a bank account.

'We wanted to provide people with something where they could learn their budgets, there is a spending limit on it. We are so excited that so many people are into this idea.'

‘Frugal’ and ‘Kardashian’? Hmm.

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