Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Look away, all arbiters of good taste: it’s SUBO THE MUSICAL

Yeah, that’s not a typo.

It’s been revealed that Susan Boyle is to play, well, herself, in a musical narrating her rise to stardom.

The Sun has reported that the show, which will tell the singer's entire sorry story, is in the final stages of planning.

SuBo said: "I'm definitely going to be on stage. I'd rather that than having to sit watching people up there looking like me.

"I want to be doing the music parts, so I'll be coming in and out of the show. I'm looking forward to doing some live work. It'll be really nice to see so many of the people who have supported me in person."

Alongside such heart-warming asides as SuBo’s lonely life with just a cat for company, the show is also expected to feature her performance for the Pope, who has not yet confirmed whether he too will be playing himself.

An insider said: "Susan has incredibly loyal fans. People will be travelling from all over the world to see her perform in her own musical.

"I wouldn't be surprised if some of them book tickets to watch it five nights in a row."


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