Monday, 27 September 2010

Blow jobs? economics? It’s all French to me….

In a brilliant faux-pas, French MEP and former Justice Minister Rachida Dati has been forced to issue a public apology after confusing oral sex with inflation on national radio.

The 44-year-old blunderer - frequently nicknamed ‘Rachida Barbie’ due to her dodgy grasp of complex political issues - was speaking on Europe 1 radio station yesterday.

Perhaps understandably, she slipped up somewhat while being questerions about ‘overseas investment funds profiteering during a period of economic uncertainty’.

She hilariously quipped, ‘I see some of them looking for returns of 20 or 25 per cent, at a time when fellatio is almost non-existent.’

Apologising for the hugely embarrassing slip on her Facebook site, Miss Dati said: ‘This kind of thing happens if you speak too quickly on this kind of programme.’

One track mind, praps?

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