Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Kate Moss and Topshop part ways

 The supermodel and the high street fashion giant Topshop have gone their separate ways, announcing this week that Moss is apparently "too busy" to honour her commitment to the brand. We here at bbeingboiled, however were always sceptical about the partnership. Moss is undoubtedly a trend-selling machine, but isn't a line of clothing consisting of undisguised copies of her wardrobe a little bit much? Nobody wants to feel like a clothes-horse clone after all. Some items in the Moss collection, while tempting, always did feel like you had accidentally gained access to her dirty washing, and were pilfering in full knowledge that you were being a bit of a copy-cat, and well, a bit creepy with it. Any admittance to the purchase something from the Kate Moss line, is, I have found, always prefaced with the disclaimer "honestly, I didn't know it was Kate Moss until I got it home and saw the label, I just thought it was a nice dress..." Yeah, right. The giant KATE MOSS FOR TOPSHOP signs didn't give it away, and neither did the special cordoned-off boutiquey part of the shop which houses all the Moss imitations? This is possibly why the Moss line has failed; it was all just too "Kate Moss". Example: admiring the style of another person is one thing. So is attempting to emulate said persons style buy purchasing similar items. However, buying into said person's clothing range that has tshirt designs based on the worshipped one's tattoos and their name emblazoned on all the labels, is a step too far, taking a person into embarrasssing über-fan territory. And nobody likes über-fans.

So, despite rumours that the split is down to Phillip Green's 19 year old daughter interfering in his business, it is possible that Moss-mania has simply run its course, and that after the first couple of much-hyped lines, people started to realise that it was just embarrassing to have to admit to being yet another Kate Moss wannabe when asked the simple question "oh nice dress - where's it from?". Both Moss and Green, I'm sure, have milked this cash cow amply already anyway.

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