Oh dear, it’s a hat-trick. Yes, here’s another jail-related story for your oh-so-liberated peepers to feast on.
Where GM is locked up and Lohan’s in limbo; cheeky Paris is free as a bird.
Last month the squillionairess (probably) was caught out in Las Vegas, when a small plastic bag containing 0.8 grams of cocaine fell out of her Chanel purse as she reached for a tub of lip balm in front of a police lieutenant.
She was questioned by police after her boyfriend, Las Vegas nightclub mogul Cy Waits, 34, failed field sobriety tests given by a motorcycle officer.
At the time, she somewhat outlandishly claimed that the bag was ‘too cheap’ to possibly be hers - despite having previously posted a pic of a suspiciously similar one on Twitter.
However, in something of a turnaround, she later pleaded guilty to the drugs charges and will now serve a year of probation, involving 200 hours of community service.
We really hope she gets something really horrific, like working on a farm and flirting with innocent, slack-jacked teenage yokels alongside someone we suspect she doesn’t like very much. But, unlike The Simple Life, she won’t be getting paid for the pleasure.
The terms of the probation mean that is she commits anything more serious than a minor traffic offence during the probationary period, she will be jailed for a year.
She also must complete a drug abuse programme and pay a $2,000 fine. One less night out, then. Grrrr.
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